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Sweet Potato Black Bean Tacos


1 lb. sweet potatoes (about 3)

1 15 oz. can black beans

1 tbs. taco seasoning

taco-sized tortillas

olive oil

1 cup or more shredded colby jack cheese

optional for dipping:

1/2 cup sour cream

1/2 tbs. taco seasoning



1. Preheat oven to 450F.

2. To cook sweet potatoes poke holes in each one and microwave all together for 10 minutes or until fully cooked, checking halfway through. Potatoes will be cooked when you are able to stick a knife into it easily.

3. Peel skin off sweet potatoes and put peeled potatoes in a bowl and mash.

4. Drain and rinse black beans and combine with mashed sweet potatoes.

5. Brush or spray olive oil on tortillas and place on baking sheet lined with parchment paper oil side down.

6. Spread sweet potato and black bean mixture on half of the tortilla and sprinkle colby jack cheese on top. Fold tortilla over and repeat with remaining ingredients.

7. Bake for 10 minutes, flipping halfway through

8. For sour cream mixture, mix sour cream and taco seasoning till combined. Enjoy!






Recipe idea from: She Likes Food

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